IIT Bhubaneswar

Debi Prosad Dogra

Dr. Debi Prosad Dogra

Associate Head [Computer Science Engg.]
Associate Professor
 Degree Discipline Year School
  Ph. D. Computer Science & Engineering 2012 IIT Kharagpur
  M.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 2003 IIT Kanpur
  B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering 2001 Haldia Institute of Technology


I received Ph.D. from IIT Kharagpur in 2012,  M.Tech. from IIT Kanpur in 2003, and B.Tech. from HIT Haldia in 2001 all in Computer Sc. & Engineering discipline.  I worked with Haldia Institute of Technology as a faculty during 2003-2006. I also worked with ETRI, South Korea as a researcher during 2006-2007. I was the research group leader in Samsung Research Institute Noida during 2011-2013 before joining IIT Bhubaneswar.  I have published more than 120 research papers and patents in international journals and conferences in the areas of visual surveillance, augmented reality, intelligent transportation systems, computer vision, and healthcare analysis. I am a member of IEEE. Currently, I am officiating as the Secretary of IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection. I am editor of SNCS and JMIS journals. I am heading the IIT Bhubaneswar Research and Entrepreneurship Park, a section-8 company of IIT Bhubaneswar.


Professional Experience

Group Leader / Development Manager: Advanced Technology Group, Samsung Research Institute Noida, India (22-Nov-2011 to 23-Dec-2013)   Researcher: Multimedia Research Team, Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea (1-Nov-2006 to 13-Apr-2007) Lecturer: Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India (2-June-2003 to 30-June-2006)

Recent Publications (International Journals)

  1. Shouvik Dey, Rajesh Sikhakolli, Debi Prosad Dogra, Sourav Sil, On the Variability of Ocean Surface Current in the Bay of Bengal using Self-Organizing Map (SOM), Deep Sea Research: Part I (Accepted), 2023.
  2. Thakare Kamalakar Vijay, Debi Prosad Dogra, Heesung Choi, Haksub Kim, Ig-Jae Kim. RareAnom: A Benchmark Video Dataset for Rare Type Anomalies, Pattern Recognition, vol. 140, August 2023.
  3. Thakare Kamalakar Vijay, Debi Prosad Dogra, Heeseung Choi, Gi Pyo Nam, Ig-Jae Kim. Detection of Road Accidents using Synthetically Generated Multi-Perspective Accident Videos, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3222769, 2022.
  4. K. Soni, A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, H. S. Choi. I. Kim. Person Re-identification in Indoor Videos by Information Fusion using Graph Convolutional Networks, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 210, pp. 1-12, 2022.
  5. Shreetam Behere, Debi Prosad Dogra, Manoranjan Satpathy. Effect of migrant labourer inflow on the early spread of Covid-19 in Odisha: A case study, ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 8(4):27: 1-18, 2022.
  6. Thakare Kamalakar Vijay, Debi Prosad Dogra, Heeseung Choi, Haksub Kim, Ig-Jae Kim. Object Interaction-Based Localization and Description of Road Accident Events Using Deep Learning, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(11):20601 – 20613, 2022.
  7. Thakare Kamalakar Vijay, Nitin Kumar, Debi Prosad Dogra, Heeseung Choi, Ig-Jae Kim. A Multi-Stream Deep Neural Network with Late Fuzzy Fusion for Real-World Anomaly Detection, Expert Systems With Applications, 201:117030, 2022.
  8. Sudhanshu Kumar, Partha Pratim Roy, Debi Prosad Dogra, Byung-Gyu Kim, Video Based Exercise Recognition and Correct Pose Detection, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81: 30267-30282, 2022.
  9. Shreetam Behera, Debi Prosad Dogra , Malay Bandyopadhyay, Partha Pratim Roy. Crowd Characterization in Surveillance Videos using Deep Graph Convolutional Neural Network, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 53(6):3428-3439, 2023.
  10. S.M. Islam, S. Joardar, D. P. Dogra, A. Ahmed. Ornament Image Retrieval Using Multimodal Fusion. SN Computer Science, 2(336), 2021.
  11. K. K. Santhosh, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, A. Mitra. Vehicular Trajectory Classification and Traffic Anomaly Detection in Videos Using a Hybrid CNN-VAE Architecture, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems , 23(8):11891 – 11902, 2022.
  12. Shreetam Behera, Debi Prosad Dogra, Malay Bandyopadhyay, Partha Pratim Roy, Understanding Crowd Flow Patterns Using Active-Langevin Model, Pattern Recognition, 119(108037):1-12, 2021.
  13. R. Pal, A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, P. P. Roy, D. K. Prasad. Topic-based Video Analysis: A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys, 54(6):1-34, 2021.
  14. V. Khurana, M. Gahalawat, P. Kumar, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, E. Scheme, Md. Soleymani. A Survey on Neuromarketing using EEG Signals. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 13(4):732-749, 2021.
  15. S. K. Behera, P. Kumar, P. Kaushik, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy. Two-Stage Verification of Air Signatures using Motion and Brain Activities, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics , 67(1): 58-67, 2021.
  16. D. Das Chakladar, P. Kumar, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, E. Scheme, V. Chang, A multimodal-Siamese Neural Network (mSNN) for Person Verification using Signatures and EEG, Information Fusion, 71:17-27, 2021.
  17. P. Keserwani, G. Kumar, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Logo detection using weakly supervised saliency map, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 80:4341-4365, 2021.
  18. K. K. Santhosh, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy and B. B. Chaudhuri, Trajectory-Based Scene Understanding Using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics , 51(8): 4148-4161, 2021.
  19. K. K. Santhosh, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, Anomaly Detection in Road Traffic Using Visual Surveillance: A Survey, ACM Computing Surveys, 53(6):1-26, 2020.
  20. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, H. Choi, S. Chae, I. Kim. Person Re-identification in Videos by Analyzing Spatio-Temporal Tubes, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79:24537-24551, 2020.
  21. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, P. P. Roy, D. K. Prasad. Can we automate diagrammatic reasoning? Pattern Recognition, 106 (107412):1-12, 2020.
  22. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, P. P. Roy, D. Prasad. ELM-HTM Guided Bio-inspired Unsupervised Learning for Anomalous Trajectory Classification, Cognitive Systems Research, 63:30-41, 2020.
  23. D. D. Chakladar, S. Dey, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. EEG-based Mental Workload Estimation Using Deep BLSTM-LSTM Network and Evolutionary Algorithm, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 60(101989): 1-10, 2020.
  24. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, P.P. Roy. Video trajectory analysis using unsupervised clustering and multi-criteria ranking, Soft Computing, 24:6643-6654, 2020.
  25. S. Gupta, P. P. Roy, B. G. Kim, D. P. Dogra. Retrieval of colour and texture images using local directional peak valley binary pattern, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 23:1569-1585, 2020.
  26. S. Kumar, M. Gahalawat, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, B-G Kim, Exploring impact of Age and Gender on Sentiment Analysis, Electronics, 9(2):274, pp.1-14, 2020.
  27. Shreetam Behera, Debi Prosad Dogra, Malay Bandyopadhyay, Partha Pratim Roy, Estimation of Linear Motion in Dense Crowd Videos using Langevin Model, Expert Systems with Applications, 150, pp. 1-16, 2020.
  28. G. S. Hong, B. G. Kim, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, A Survey of Real-time Road Detection Techniques Using Visual Color Sensor, Journal of Multimedia Information System, 5(1):9-14, 2018.
  29. K. K. Santhosh, A. Chakraborty, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy. Likelihood Learning in Modified Dirichlet Process Mixture Model for Video Analysis, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 128, pp. 211-219, 2019.
  30. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, R. Patnaik, S. Lee, H. Choi, I. Kim. Query-based Video Synopsis using Trajectory Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(8):3457-3468, 2020.
  31. S. Mukherjee, S. Kar, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, A. Ahmed. Fingertip Detection and Tracking for Recognition of Air-Writing in Videos, Expert Systems with Applications, 136:217-229, 2019.
  32. K. K. Santhosh, S. Mohapatra, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy. Computer Vision-guided Intelligent Traffic Signaling for Isolated Intersections, Expert Systems with Applications, 135:267-278, 2019.
  33.  A. Singla, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Visual Rendering of Shapes Guided by Air Hand Gestures, Displays, 57:18-33, 2019.
  34. P. Kaushik, A. Gupta, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, EEG-based Age and Gender Prediction Using Deep BLSTM-LSTM Network Model, IEEE Sensors, 19(7):2634-2641, 2019.
  35. R. Saini, P. Kumar, K. C. Santosh, A. Kaur, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Kinect sensor-based interaction monitoring system using the BLSTM neural network in healthcare, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 10:2529-2540, 2019.
  36. A.K. Dash, S. K. Behera, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy. Designing of Marker-based Augmented Reality Learning Environment for Kids Using Convolutional Neural Network Architecture, Displays, 55:46-54, 2018.
  37. K. K. Santhosh, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy. Queuing Theory-based Approach for Prediction of Traffic Signal Duration using Dirichlet Process Mixture Model, Expert Systems with Applications, 118:169-181, 2019.
  38. R. Saini, A. Singhal, B. Kim, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, P. Kumar. Summarization of Videos by Analyzing Affective State of the User through Crowdsource, Cognitive Systems Research, 52:917-930, 2018.
  39. P. Kumar, A. Singhal, R. Saini, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. A Pervasive Authentication System for Cloud Environment using EEG Signals, Displays, 55:64-70, 2018.
  40.  P. Kumar, S. Mukherjee, R. Saini, P. Kaushik, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Multimodal Gait Recognition with Inertial Sensor Data and Video using Evolutionary Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 27(5):956-965, 2019.
  41. J-H. Kim, G-S. Hong, B-G. Kim, D. P. Dogra. deepGesture: Deep Learning-based Gesture Recognition Scheme using Motion Sensors, Displays, 55:38-45, 2018.
  42. A. Bhattacharya, R. Saini, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar. Recognizing Gender from Human Facial Regions using Genetic Algorithm, Soft Computing, DOI:10.1007/s00500-018-3446-9, 2018.
  43. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, P.P Roy. Clustering, Trajectory-based Surveillance Analysis: A Survey, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2018.2857489, 2018.
  44. K K Santhosh, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, Temporal unknown incremental clustering model for analysis of traffic surveillance videos, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20(5):1762-1773, 2019. 2018.
  45. R. Saini, P. Kumar, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. A Novel Framework of Continuous Human-Activity Recognition using Kinect, Neurocomputing, Vol. 311, pp. 99-111, 2018.
  46. S K Behera, S Bhoi, D P Dogra, P P Roy. Robustness Analysis of Leap Motion Sensor Guided Air Authentication System, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 64(2):171-179, 2018.
  47. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, P. Roy. Surveillance Scene Representation and Trajectory Anomaly Detection Using Aggregation of Multiple Concepts, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 101, pp. 43-55, 2018.
  48. S. K. Behera, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy. Fast Recognition and Verification of 3D Air Signatures Using Convex Hull, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 100, pp. 106-119, 2018.
  49. R. Saini, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. A Novel Point-Line Duality Feature for Trajectory Classification, The Visual Computer, 35(3):415-427, 2019.
  50. P. Kumar, S. Mukherjee, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, B. G. Kim, Plant Disease Identification using Deep Neural Networks, Journal of Multimedia Information System, 4(4):233-238, 2017.
  51. S. Mukherjee, R. Saini, P. Kumar, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, B. G. Kim, Fight Detection in Hockey Videos using Deep Network, Journal of Multimedia Information System, 4(4):225-232, 2017.
  52. A. Fatir, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Exercise Classification and Event Segmentation in HINE Videos, Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 233-245, 2018.
  53. P. Kumar, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Independent Bayesian Classifier Combination based Sign Language Recognition using Facial Expression, Information Sciences , Vol. 428, pp. 30-48, 2018.
  54. R. Saini, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. A Segmental HMM based Trajectory Classification using Genetic Algorithm, Expert Systems with Applications Vol. 93, pp. 169-181, March 2018.
  55. P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, P. K. Sahu, D. P. Dogra. Envisioned Speech Recognition using EEG Sensors, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing , Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 185-199, 2018.
  56. M. Chebiyyam, R. Reddy, D. P. Dogra, H. Bhaskar, M. Mihaylova. Motion Anomaly Detection and Trajectory Analysis in Visual Surveillance, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(13):16223-16248, 2018.
  57. S. K. Behera, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy. Analysis of 3D Signatures Recorded Using Leap Motion Sensor, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 77, No. 11, pp. 14029-14054, 2018.
  58. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, P. P. Roy. Unsupervised Classification of Erroneous Video Object Trajectories, Soft Computing , Vol. 22, No. 14, pp. 4703-4721, 2018.
  59. P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. A Position and Rotation Invariant Framework for Sign Language Recognition (SLR) using Kinect, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vo. 77, No. 7, pp. 8823-8846, 2018.
  60. M. Yadava, P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Analysis of EEG Signals and Its Application to Neuromarketing, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 76, No. 18, pp. 19087-19111, 2017.
  61. P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. A Bio-Signal based Framework to Secure Mobile Devices, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 89: 62-71 (2017).
  62. P. Kumar, H. Gauba, P. Singh, P. P. Roy, B. Raman, D. P. Dogra. Prediction of Advertisement Preference by Fusing EEG Response and Sentiment Analysis, Neural Networks, 92: 77-88 (2017).
  63. P. Kumar, H. Gauba, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Coupled HMM-based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion for Sign Language Recognition, Pattern Recognition Letters, 86(15):1-8, 2017.
  64. P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. 3D Text Segmentation and Recognition using Leap Motion, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(15): 16491-16510 (2017).
  65. P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Study of Text Segmentation and Recognition using Leap Motion Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, 17(5):1293-1301 (2017).
  66. P. Kumar, H. Gauba, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. A Multimodal Framework for Sensor based Sign Language Recognition, Neurocomputing, 259: 21-38 (2017)
  67. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, B. G. Kim, P. Hill, S. Kar, H. Bhaskar. Localization of region of interest in surveillance scene, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(11): 13651-13680 (2017).
  68.  N. Paul, A. Singh, A. Midya, P. P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Moving Object Detection using Modified Temporal Differencing and Local Fuzzy Thresholding, Journal of Supercomputing, 73(3):1120-1139 (2017).
  69. A. Sikdar, S. K. Behera, D. P. Dogra. Computer Vision Guided Pulse Rate Estimation: A Review, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 9(1):1-15, December 2016.
  70. K. M. Vamsikrishna, D. P. Dogra, M. S. Desarkar. Computer Vision Assisted Palm Rehabilitation With Supervised Learning, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 63(5):991-1001, 2016.
  71. H. Bhaskar, K. Dwivedi, D. P. Dogra, M. Al-Mualla, L. Mihaylova. Autonomous Detection and Tracking under Illumination Changes, Occlusions and Moving Camera, Signal Processing, 117:343-354, 2015.
  72. D. P. Dogra, A. Ahmed, H. Bhaskar. Smart Video Summarization using Mealy Machine based Trajectory Modelling, Multimedia Tools Applications, 75(11):6373-6401, 2016.
  73. D. P. Dogra, B. Vishal, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural, J. Mukhopadhyay, S. Mukherjee, and A. Singh. Video analysis of Hammersmith lateral tilting examination using Kalman filter guided multi-path tracking. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 52(9):759-772, 2014.
  74. D. P. Dogra, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural, J. Mukhopadhyay, S. Mukherjee,and A. Singh. Analysis of Adductors Angle Measurement in Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examinations using Mean Shift Segmentation and Feature Point based Object Tracking. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 42(9):925-934,2012.
  75. D. P. Dogra, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural, J. Mukhopadhyay, S. Mukherjee, and A. Singh. Toward Automating Hammersmith Pulled-To-Sit Examination of Infants using Feature Point based Video Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 20(1):38-47,2012.
  76. D. P. Dogra, A. K. Majumdar, and S. Sural. Evaluation of Segmentation Techniques Using Region Area and Boundary Matching Information. Visual Communication and Image Representation 23(1):150-160,2012.
  77. D. P. Dogra, K. Nandam, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural, J. Mukhopadhyay, B. Majumdar, S. Mukherjee, and A. Singh. A Tool for Automatic Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination. E-Health and Medical Communications, 2(2):1-13,2011.

Conferences (International)

  1. Kamalakar Vijay Thakare, Yash Raghuwanshi, Debi Prosad Dogra, Heeseung Choi, Ig-Jae Kim. DyAnNet: A Scene Dynamicity Guided Self-Trained Video Anomaly Detection Network, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2023.
  2. Himanshu Choudhary, Debi Prosad Dogra, and Arif Ahmed Sekh, Solving Diagrammatic Reasoning Problems Using Deep Learning, CVIP, November 2022 (CVIP Best Paper Award).
  3. Richa Malviya Dutta, Arif Ahmed, Debi Prosad Dogra, P. K. Dan. Patch Level Segmentation and Visualization of Capsule Network Inference for Breast Metastases Detection, IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), July 2022.
  4. Joydip Kishore Bhattacharyya, Thakare Kamalakar Vijay, Debi Prosad Dogra. Analysis of Covid-19 Appropriate Mask Wearing Behaviour in Indian Cities Using Deep Learning, IEEE INDISCON, July 2022.
  5. S. Behera, T. K. Vijay, M. Gupta, D. P. Dogra. PIDLNet: A Physics-Induced Deep Learning Network for Characterization of Crowd Videos, 17th IEEE AVSS , 2021.
  6. S. Behera, K. S. Preetham, D. P. Dogra, Characterization of Orderly Behavior of Human Crowd in Videos Using Deep Learning, Fourth International Conference on Intelligence Science (ICIS), Feb 24-27, 2021.
  7. S. Behera, D. P. Dogra, M. Bandyopadhyay, P. P. Roy, Segmentation and Visualization of Crowd Flows in Videos using Hybrid Force Model, VISAPP, 2020.
  8. S. Tripathy, R. Sahoo, A. K. Dash, D. P. Dogra, Natural Gestures to Interact with 3D Virtual Objects using Deep Learning Framework, IEEE TENCON, 2019.
  9. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar and P. P. Roy, Natural Language Description of Surveillance Event, ICITAM, vol 699, pp. 141-151, 2019.
  10. A. A. Patwardhan, S. Das, S. Varshney, M. S. Desarkar and D. P. Dogra, ViTag: Automatic Video Tagging Using Segmentation and Conceptual Inference, IEEE BigMM, Singapore, September 11-13, 2019.
  11. S. K. Behera, A. K. Dash, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, Air Signature Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Sequential Model, ICPR, pp.3525-3530, 2018.
  12. P. Kumar, R. Saini, C. S. Tumma, P. P. Roy and D. P. Dogra, Gait Analysis Using Shadow Motion, 2017 4th IAPR Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), Nanjing, 2017, pp. 453-458.
  13. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar and P. P. Roy. Extraction of Long-duration Moving Object Trajectories from Curtailed Tracks, CVIP-WM 2017.
  14. Sreetam Behera, D. P. Dogra and P. P. Roy. Characterization of Dense Crowd using Gibbs Entropy, CVIP-WM 2017.
  15. R. Saini, P. Kumar, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, An Efficient Approach for Trajectory Classification using FCM and SVM, IEEE Tensymp 2017.
  16. P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. Sahu, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, Neuro-phone: An assistive framework to operate Smartphone using EEG signals, IEEE Tensymp 2017.
  17. P. Kumar, R. Saini, M. Yadava, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra, Virtual Trainer with Real-Time Feedback using Kinect Sensor, IEEE Tensymp 2017.
  18. S. Kumaran, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy, Real-time moving object classification using DPMM for road traffic management in smart cities, IEEE Tensymp 2017.
  19. S. K. Behera, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy, Localization of signatures in continuous Air writing, IEEE Tensymp 2017.
  20. A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, S. Kar, R. Patanaik, H. Choi, I. Kim, S. Lee, Video Synopsis Generation Using Spatio-Temporal Groups, IEEE ICSIPA 2017.
  21. S. K. Behera, P. Kumar, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, Fast Signature Spotting in Continuous Air Writing, Proceedings of the IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (MVA), pp. 314-317. 2017.
  22. P. Kumar, R. Saini, S. K. Behera, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy, Real-Time Recognition of Sign Language Gestures and Air-Writing using Leap Motion, Proceedings of the IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision and Applications (MVA), pp. 157-160, 2017.
  23. P. Dey, D. P. Dogra , P. P. Roy, H. Bhaskar. Autonomous vision-guided approach for the analysis and grading of vertical suspension tests during HINE, Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 863-866, 2016.
  24. S. Bhoi, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy. On-line Gesture Based User Authentication System Robust to Shoulder Surfing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP 2016), vol. 2, pp. 557-566, 2017.
  25. A. Fatir, P. Roy, D. P. Dogra. Posture Recognition in HINE Exercises, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP 2016), vol. 2, pp. 321-330, 2017.
  26. R. Saini, A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy. Classification of Object Trajectories Represented by High-level Features using Unsupervised Learning, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP 2016), vol. 1, pp. 273-284, 2017.
  27. R. Saini, A. Ahmed, D. P. Dogra, P. Roy. Surveillance Scene Segmentation Based on Trajectory Classification Using Supervised Learning, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP 2016), vol. 1, pp. 261-272, 2017.
  28. K. M. Vamsikrishna, D. P. Dogra, H. Bhaskar. Classification of Head Movement Patterns to Aid Patients Undergoing Home-based Cervical Spine Rehabilitation, Proceedings of the IEEE ICASSP, pp. 849-853, 2016.
  29. C. Agarwal, D. P. Dogra, R. Saini, P. P. Roy. Segmentation and Recognition of Text Written in 3D using leap Motion Interface, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Pattern Recognition (ACPR), pp. 539-543, 2015.
  30. A. Sikdar, S. K. Behera, D. P. Dogra, H. Bhaskar. Contactless Vision-based Pulse Rate Detection of Infants under Neurological Examinations, Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 650-653, 2015.
  31. D. P. Dogra, A. Ahmed, H. Bhaskar. Interest Area Localization using Trajectory Analysis in Surveillance Scenes. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), pp.31-38, 2015.
  32. D. P. Dogra, R. D. Reddy, K.S. Subramanyam, A. Ahmed, H. Bhaskar. Scene Representation and Anomalous Activity Detection using Weighted Region Association Graph, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), pp.17-25, 2015.
  33. D. P. Dogra, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural, J. Mukhopadhyay, S. Mukherjee, A. Singh. Automatic Adductors Angle Measurement for Neurological Assessment of Post-neonatal Infants during Follow Up. In: LNCS Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Moscow, vol. 6744, pp. 160-166, 2011.
  34. S. Roy, D. P. Dogra, S. Bhattacharya, B. Saha, A. Biswas, A. K. Majumdar, J. Mukhopadhyay, B. Majumdar, A. Singh, A. Paria, S. Mukherjee. A Web Enabled Health Information System for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). In: Proceedings of the 7th IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), Washington, pp. 451-458, 2011.
  35. D. P. Dogra, S. Sinha, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural, J. Mukhopadhyay, B. Majumdar, S. Mukherjee, A. Singh. Automatic Posture Estimation for Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Medical Imaging-Perspectives on Perception and Diagnostics Organized in Conjunction with the Seventh Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, IIT Delhi, MA-202, 2010.
  36. D. Patra, J. Mukbopadbyay, A. K. Majumdar, B. Majumdar, D. P. Dogra. Tele-consultation using Clinical Document Architecture in Disease Specifc Domains. In: IEEE Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on E-Health Networking, Application and Services (Healthcom), Lyon, France, pp. 187-194, 2010.
  37. D. P. Dogra, K. Nandam, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural, J. Mukhopadhyay, B. Majumdar, S. Mukherjee, A. Singh. A User Friendly Implementation for Eiƒciently Conducting Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination. In: IEEE Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on E-Health Networking, Application and Services (Healthcom), Lyon, France, pp.374-378, 2010.
  38. D. P. Dogra , A. K.Majumdar, S. Sural. Evaluation of Segmentation Techniques Using Region Size and Boundary Information. In: LNCS Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI), IIT Delhi, vol. 5909, pp. 285-290,2009.
  39. D. P. Dogra, K. Tripathy, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural. A Comparative Study on Texture Features Used for Segmentation of Images Rich in Texture. In: IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), Kuala Lumpur, pp. 336-339, 2009.
  40. D. P. Dogra. A Hidden Markov Model Based Approach for Telephonic Digit Recognition. In: Proceedings of the CSI International Conference on Emerging Applications of IT (EAIT), Science City, Kolkata, pp. 287-290, 2006.

Conferences (National)

  1. S. Bhoi, D. P. Dogra, P. P. Roy. Handwritten Text Recognition In Odia Script Using Hidden Markov Model, Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), IIT Patna, 16-19 Dec, 2015.
  2. S. Bhattacharya, A. Roy, D. P. Dogra, A. Biswas, J. Mukhopadhyay, A. K. Majumdar, B. Majumdar, S. Mukherjee, A. Singh. Summarization of Neonatal Video EEG for Seizure and Artifact Detection. Third National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), pp. 134-137, November 2011.
  3. D. P. Dogra, A. K. Majumdar, S. Sural. Detection of Object Pick Up and Drop Off by Humans in Video Surveillance Applications. In: Proceedings of the National Seminar on Image Classification and Pattern Recognition (NSICPR), Vidyasagar University, 2009.
  4. D. P. Dogra, H. Karmakar. Real-time Uncompressed Voice Transmission Through High Speed LAN. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Networking, The Golden Retreat, Haldia, 2005.

Patents Granted / Filed

  • Badrinath Gurappa Srinivas, Shashi Bhanwar, Shefali Singhal, Debi Prosad Dogra, Saurabh Tyagi, Authentication using multi-tier multi-class objects, US 8,997,215 B2.
  • Debi Prosad Dogra and Saurabh Tyagi, Multi-Path Analysis based Trajectory Estimation of Moving Objects in Videos, US 9,147,261 B2.
  • Debi Prosad Dogra and Saurabh Tyagi, Method and system for gesture recognition, India Application No. 2866/DEL/2012, and US Application No. US 14/024,215.
  • Debi Prosad Dogra, Trilochan Verma and Saurabh Tyagi, Method and system for Augmented Reality based Smart Classroom Environment, India Application No. 3116/DEL/2012, and US Application No: US 14/047,921.
  • Debi Prosad Dogra and Saurabh Tyagi, Computer Vision Based Depth Estimation Using Smart Phone, India Application No. 3693/DEL/2012.
  • Byung-Gyu KIM, Debi Prosad Dogra, Chang-Sik Cho, Inter Mode Determination Method for Video Encoder, US Application No. US 12/056,922.

Books and Chapters

  •  D. P. Dogra (2015). Visual Attention Guided Object Detection and Tracking. In R. Pal (Eds.), Innovative Research in Attention Modeling and Computer Vision Applications (pp. 100-115), IGI Global, Hershey, PA.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Applications;
  • Computer Vision and Visual Surveillance;
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems;
  • Augmented Reality;
  • Human Computer Interface;
  • Designing of Computer Vision Guided Intelligent Traffic Systems for Smart Cities, Funding Agency: SERB-DST, Type: Core Research Grant (CRG), Budget: INR 43.01 Lakhs, Status: Ongoing, Duration: June 2021-June 2024 (Principal Investigator).
  • Designing of Algorithms for Pedestrian Attribute Learning and Recognition. Funding Agency: KIST South Korea, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 24.75 Lakhs, Status: Ongoing, Duration: May 2023-Feb 2024 (Principal Investigator).


  • Analyzing Co-Occurring Road and Traffic Anomalies using deep learning. Funding Agency: IKST Bangalore, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 17.78 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: June 2022 – February 2023 (Principal Investigator).
  • Implementation of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Cluster Expansion (Phase-IV), Funding Agency: IKST Bangalore, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 21.4 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: December 2021-December 2022 (Principal Investigator).
  • Development of Augmented Reality Guided Systems to Improve Class Room Teaching-Learning Process [VARCoE Project ID: VARCOE/18/01], Budget: INR 8.5 Lakhs, Status: Completed (Principal Investigator).
  • Understanding Road Traffic and Pedestrian Anomalies, Funding Agency: KIST South Korea, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 19.38 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: June 2021-February 2022 (Principal Investigator).
  • Implementation of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Cluster Expansion (Phase-III), Funding Agency: IKST Bangalore, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 15.83 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: January 2021-December 2021 (Principal Investigator).
  • Anomaly Detection in Videos, Funding Agency: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 24.64 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: January-December 2020 (Principal Investigator).
  • Implementation of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Cluster Expansion (Phase-II), Funding Agency: IKST Bangalore, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 16 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: January 2020-December 2020 (Principal Investigator).
  • Re-identification for Video Synopsis, Funding Agency: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 17.6 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: June 2019-December 2019 (Principal Investigator).
  • Implementation of Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Cluster Expansion (Phase-I), Funding Agency: IKST Bangalore, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 11.3 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: January 2019-December 2019 (Principal Investigator).
  • Person Re-identification for Video Synopsis, Funding Agency: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: 18.6 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: April 2018-December 2018 (Principal Investigator).
  •  Designing of Video Synopsis Algorithms for Visual Surveillance,  Funding Agency: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 16.82 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: April 2017-December 2017 (Principal Investigator).
  •  Analysis and Implementation of Non-chronological video synopsis and indexing,  Funding Agency: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and IKST Bangalore, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: 6.0 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: Oct 2016-March 2017 (Principal Investigator).
  • Computer vision guided mass gathering surveillance using crowd flow analysis,  Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, Type: Young Scientist Start-up Research Grant (RESEARCH PROJECT), Budget: INR 22.55 Lakhs, Status: Ongoing, Duration: January 2016-January-2019 (Principal Investigator).
  • Video Analytics Algorithms to Detect Unusual Behavior in Crowds and Traffic,  Funding Agency: OutDu Mediatech Private Limited, Bangalore Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 1.7 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: June 2016 – September 2016 (Principal Investigator) .
  • C/C++ implementation with adequate GUI for sparsity based abnormal event detection,  Funding Agency: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and IKST, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 7.0 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: February 2016-June 2016 (Principal Investigator) .
  • C/C++ implementation with adequate GUI for temporal analysis of motif mixtures using Dirichlet processes, Funding Agency: Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and IKST, Type: CONSULTANCY PROJECT, Budget: INR 8.0 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: February 2016 – June 2016 (Principal Investigator).
  • Development of a Computer Vision Assisted System to Facilitate Full Body Rehabilitation,  Funding Agency: IIT Bhubaneswar, Type: Start-up Research Grant (RESEARCH PROJECT), Budget: INR 9.7 Lakhs, Status: Completed, Duration: 01-07-2014 to 30-06-2016 (Principal Investigator) .
  • Operating Systems (Autumn 2023)
  • Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Autumn 2023)
  • Multimedia Systems (Spring 2023)
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