Formulation and Solution to Phase Change Problem, Two Phase Flow Fundamentals, Review of one-dimensional conservation equations in single phase flows; Governing equations for homogeneous, separated and drift-flux models; Flow pattern maps for horizontal and vertical systems; Simplified treatment of stratified, bubbly, slug and annular flows. Modelling of Two-Phase Flow, Pressure Drop in Two-Phase Flow, Brief Discussion on Critical Flow and Unsteady Flow.
Description and Classification of Boiling, Pool Boiling Curve, Nucleation and Dynamics of Single Bubbles, Heat Transfer Mechanisms in Nucleate Boiling, Nucleate Boiling Correlations, Hydrodynamic of Pool Boiling Process, Pool Boiling Crisis, Film Boiling Fundamentals, Flow Boiling, Forced-Flow Boiling Regimes, Flow Boiling Curves, Nucleate Boiling in Flow, Sub-cooled Nucleate Flow Boiling, Saturated Nucleate Flow Boiling, Flow Boiling Correlations, Flow Boiling Crisis. Condensation- Film and dropwise condensation.
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