Engineering Design Optimization (ME 6L007)
Pre-Requisites: None

L – T – P – C
3 – 0 – 0 – 3

Basic concepts: Unconstrained and constrained problems. The Kuln-Tucker conditions; Function of one variable; Polynomial approximations, Golden section method. Finding the bounds on the solution, a general strategy for minimizing functions of one variable; Unconstrained functions of n variables : Zero-order, first-order and second order methods, convergence criteria; constrained functions of n variables: linear programming, Sequential unconstrained minimization techniques, Direct methods; Approximation techniques; Duality; General design applications.

Recommended Books:
  1. Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples- Deb Kalyanmoy (PHI)
  2. Introduction to Engineering Design Optimization- ChinyereOkechiOnwubiko (Prentice Hall)
  3. Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice- S. S. Rao  (Wiley)
  4. Optimization Concepts and Applications in Engineering-Ashok D. Belegundu and Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla(Cambridge Univ)
  5. Engineering Optimization: methods and applications- A. Ravindran , K. M. Ragsdell, G. V. Reklaitis (Wiley)