Environment definition, Environmental Segments, Concepts of Ecosystem: Fundamentals of Ecology and Ecosystem, Components of ecosystem, Food chain, Food web, Trophic level, Energy flow. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem: Forest, Grassland, Desert and Aquatic ecosystem. Effects of human activities on environment: Agriculture, Housing, Industry, Mining and Transportation activities, Basics of Environmental Impact Assessment & Sustainable Development.
Water Resources - Availability and Quality aspects. Mineral Resources, Soil, Material cycles- Carbon, Nitrogen and Sulphur Cycles. Energy - Different types of energy, Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources - Hydro Electric, Fossil Fuel based, Nuclear, Solar, Biomass and Geothermal energy and Bio-gas.
Gas Hydrates, Hydrogen as an alternative future source of Energy.
Definition causes effects and control measures of: Air Pollution, Water pollution, Land pollution, Noise pollution. Climate Change and Global warming: Effects, Acid Rain, Ozone Layer depletion, Photochemical Smog, Solid waste management, Waste water treatment.
Ambient air quality standards, Water quality parameters and standards; Turbidity, pH, Suspended solids, hardness, residual chlorine, sulfates, phosphates, iron and manganese, DO, BOD, COD.
Texts/References Books:
- James Girard ‘Principles Of Environmental Chemistry’, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2005
- Benny Joseph ‘Environmental Studies’, Tata McgrawHill, 2005.
- A K De ‘Environmental Chemistry’ New Age International Publishers, 2005.
- D.D. Mishra, S.S. Dara ‘A Textbook of Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control (With Energy, Ecology, Ethics and Society)’, S. Chand and Co, 2004.
- Samir K. Banerjee ‘Environmental Chemistry’ Prentice Hall of India, 2009.
- P. Venugoplan Rao ‘Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering’ Prentice Hall of India, 2006.
- D.L. Manjunath ‘Environmental Studies’ Pearson Education, 2006.