History of satellite and radar meteorology; Orbits and navigation, Orbit perturbations, Meteorological satellite orbits, Satellite positioning, tracking, and navigation, Space-time sampling, Launch vehicles and profiles; Elements of radiative transfer - Basic quantities, Blackbody radiation, Radiative transfer equation, Gaseous absorption, Scattering, Solar radiation and surface reflection; Meteorological satellite instrumentation - Operational polar-
orbiting satellites, Operational geostationary satellites, Other satellite instruments, Satellite data archives; Radar - Radar basics, Conventional weather radar, Radar measurements of rainfall, Comparison with satellite rainfall products, NEXRAD system, Applications to hydrology; Image interpretation; Satellite -Visible infrared and water vapor imagery, Spectral properties, Image enhancement techniques, Geo-location and calibration; Doppler radar -Doppler wind measurements, reflectivity, Analysis of Doppler measurements, Atmospheric temperature and water vapor profiles, Winds, Clouds and aerosols, Precipitation; Integrated application topics - Hurricanes, Severe Storms, Agriculture Applications.
Text/Reference Books:
- Kidder and Vonder Harr, Satellite Meteorology:: An Introduction, Academic Press
- GhassemAsrar. Theory and Applications of Optical Remote Sensing,Wiley Blackwell
- John R Jensen, Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Earth Resource Perspective, Academic Internet Publishers
- R Kelkar, Satellite Meteorology, BS Publications.