Hierarchy of climate models, one-dimensional climate models, computational methods in general circulation models (GCM), - finite difference and spectral method; radiation and climate, radiative convective models, parameterization of clouds, land-surface process and air-sea interaction; ocean-atmosphere coupled models, Ozone variations and climatic effect, Detection and attribution of anthropogenic forcing, climate feedback mechanisms.
Text/Reference Books:
1. Stephen Griffies , Fundamentals of Ocean Climate Models, Princeton University
2. Thomas Stocker, Introduction to Climate Modelling, Springer
3. Boris A. Kagan and M Hazin, Ocean Atmosphere Interaction and Climate Modeling, Cambridge University Press.
4. Climate Change synthesis report (2007), IPCC
5. Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, IPCC 6. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis, IPCC
7. Kevin E Trenberth, Climate System Modeling, Cambridge University Press
8. Kendal McGuffie, Ann Henderson-Sellers: A Climate Modeling Premier, Wiley. |