Introduction: definitions and background, variables, wind and flow, turbulent transports; Taylor’s hypothesis and observing techniques, boundary layer depth and structure Mathematical and conceptual tools: Turbulence and its spectrum; spectral gap; mean and turbulent parts; basic statistical methods; rules of averaging; turbulent kinetic energy; kinematic flux, eddy flux; stresses.
Governing equations for turbulent flow: methodology, basic equations, simplifications and approximations, equations for mean variables in a turbulent flow. Mixed layer theory: mixing and entropy; governing equations, model behaviour, surface fluxes and entrainment.
Cloud-topped boundary layers: moisture variables; radiative processes, observed structure; governing equations, entrainment. Trade wind boundary layer: mean structure and fluxes; moist convective processes; sub-cloud layer interactions; strato-cumulus to trade cumulus transitions.
Deep convection and Marine boundary layer: controls on deep convection; MABL modification by downdrafts; boundary layer recovery; boundary layer modeling and parameterizations.
Text/Reference Books:
1. Roland B. Stull . An Introduction to Boundary Layer, Springer
2. E. B. Kraus. Atmosphere-Ocean Interaction, Oxford University Press.
3. J. R. Garratt .The Atmospheric Boundary Layer , Cambridge University Press.
4. R.M. Stewart:The Atmospheric Boundary Layer", WMO-523. |