Subject Code: CE4L031 | Subject Name: Environmental Engineering | L-T-P: 3-0-0 | Credit: 3 |
Pre-requisite(s): None | |||
Components of water supply systems, Water use and demand estimation, Design period, population data and flow rates for water supply systems, Factors affecting water consumption and variation in demand, Intakes, Transportation of water, Pumping of water, Design of water distribution systems, methods of analysis for optimal distribution network design, Types of reservoirs and design parameters and methods, Water supply plumbing systems in buildings, Rural Water supply. Design principles of wastewater collection systems, quantities of sanitary wastes and storm water, Estimation of dry weather flows, separate, combined and semi-combined sewers, Sewer pipe hydraulics, construction, maintenance and appurtenances for sewers, Pumping stations, sewage collection from buildings. Estimation, Handling, Storage, Collection, Transfer, Transport and Disposal of Solid waste |
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